One Most Common Online Consumer Electronics Shopping Problem That Makes You Pay Up To 30% More

Electronic devices have become must-have gadgets for almost everybody these days. From school-going students to a top-class business executive, consumer electronics manage to do a host of tasks.

But, buying new electronics isn’t as easy as one may think it is. From ultra high-end features to eye-catching specifications, you may get stuck between different choices at varying price points.

Adding to the misery, a whole lot of buyers opt for the devices they didn’t intend to buy initially. Thus, they end up paying up to 30% more for their new devices, unknowingly.


What Gets Missed By the Buyers?

 online shopping problems faced by consumers

One of the biggest culprits when it comes to the mistakes that consumers make is neglecting the buying guides. That said, one can safely assume that a buyer misses the whole point of the purchase merely by spending money for the features that he/she would never utilize at its full potential.

For example, one may choose a device having a larger profile while he/she has no extra space to fit the things into. But, due to the excessively promoted specs by the electronics manufacturers, you shift your focus to something you could completely shun. However, filtering and balancing your requirements and needs of feature-set to mild, you could have opted for a comparatively more economical device.

Similarly, extra add-ons are something that a lot of companies tout in the present market. With no surprise, you are spending extra on your electronics device due to the combos and accessories added to your purchase. That said, unless you are a person that may maximize the usability of an electronic device, settling for a less expensive device that does the intended job well enough can prove to be a better bet.

Furthermore, the majority of buyers of electronic devices have a pre-decided price bracket for selecting the devices. However, narrowing down the list of devices based on features that are actually required can save you a lot of money.

Let us assume you are a person who is looking for one feature that may set your device apart from the rest of the devices. Instead of getting distracted by trendy specs that look good on the paper, you can shop by your need instead of focusing on the technical specs promoted by manufacturers and retailers.


Using Filters While Purchasing


While purchasing electronics online, you can make use of filters that let you set your preferred feature-set if you understand the technical specs or use an automated electronics shopping guides that allows you to shop by needs and features you like. If you’re after a device that can sort out your needs with no extra bells and whistles, mark it higher in priority over a selection of its eye-candy functions that you might never even consider using.

Arguably, the tactics that the makers of electronics employ to confuse consumers are a deliberate choice. Partly due to the fact that the focus is shifted to a particular selling feature, the drift in the device selection viewpoint becomes aggressive.

Moreover, a slew of extra features may tempt you to shell out extra bucks while you may miss out on a choice boasting better performance or an outstanding after-sale service network. Further, technical terms used that are linked with the background processing of a device may make a consumer more inclined to a device while offering no significant value actually.

Another department one can consider narrowing down is the build of the device. You don’t necessarily require a device to have the top of the line build quality. You can settle for a device that has plastic build but carries all other flashy specs that you actually need from the interiors point of view. One good example of it in terms of smartphones is Google Pixel 3a. While the phone packs the same camera module as its bigger sibling Pixel 3, the company has gone for a plastic casing. Ultimately, it cuts the cost down.


How Can You Make Selections?

Strikingly, the problem may come up a lot while choosing from mid-range devices. You can either go for the all the features with mediocre specifications or end up falling for jargon such as large contrast ratio for a TV or noise cancellation for new pair of headphones, when you originally don’t require any of it.

Electronics makers will leave no chance of playing mind games when it comes to selling their latest devices. Keeping a lot of specs overshadowed by pushing for a unique functionality or feature does its physiological work quite well for the brands.

However, picking your upcoming shiny new device shouldn’t come at the cost of irresponsible selection based merely on the price segment. You can always checkmark your selection of specialty to pair properly with the main need that you’re looking to fulfill from your electronic device.

Fortunately, purchasing the electronics through online channels facilitates selection by using filters if you already understand the technical specifications or alternatively by using online automated electronics shopping/buying guide that come in handy for buying comfortably and fast. From selecting a less powerful device for general everyday usage to going in for a top-notch device that can handle your purpose of the device effortlessly, one doesn’t have to spend senselessly on the non-essential features while purchasing a new electronic device nowadays.    

In the end, we may say that omitting buying guides aren’t a great idea as long as the idea of saving some extra cash is concerned.

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